1. 咨询报名人(中国):尤老师 15515536262 (电话/微信);支先生18618391315;
3. 请填写上方表格报名参会,我们将在48小时之内向您发送确认邮件以及注册交费说明;
4. 缴费完成后,请您将付款凭证邮件发送至组委会,我们将在收到付款凭证后2-5个工作日确认您付款成功;
5. 注册费包括会议当天参会、会议材料、会议期间的餐饮及茶歇;
6. 参会者住宿、交通及签证费用须自理;
7. 参会者可自行预定会议酒店或周边住宿,亦可委托组委会代为预定住宿(酒店协议价房间数量有限,如需代为预定,请您尽早报名告知);
8. 特邀嘉宾免参会费;
9. 鉴于目前国内申请欧洲签证周期较长,请您提前2-3个月准备。
1. Consultation applicants (China): Teacher You 15515536262 (phone/WeChat); Mr. Zhi 18618391315;
2. (Germany) President Lin (Deputy Secretary-General) 0049-15202888860; ChinaEuropeForum consultation email:info@chinaeuropeforum.org
3. Please fill in the form above to register for participation. We will send you the confirmation email and the registration payment instructions within 48 hours;
4. Completed registrations will be acknowledged by email within 2-5 workdays after receiving your payment;
5. The registration fee covers: 1) participation in the conference, 2) conference materials, 3) coffee break and lunch buffet during the conference;
6. Participants will be responsible for their own accommodation, travel and visa expenses;
7. If you would like to entrust the organizing committee to book accommodation, please let us know after you have registered and paid the registration fee.(Note: the number of hotel rooms at negotiated prices is limited);
8. Invited Guests will be exempt from registration fees;
9. Since it currently takes a long time to apply for a European visa in China, please prepare 2-3 months in advance.