首届中欧科学家论坛于2024年10月21日于德国法兰克福召开,诺贝尔奖获得者阿龙·切哈诺沃Prof. Aaron Ciechanover致辞:
My good friend, I want to congratulate you for co-chairing the upcoming 2024 China Europe Scientist Forum to be held in Frankfurt, Germany.
I think that international collaboration is key for moving science on. There is no science of one person.There is no science of one nation. There is no science of one language. Science belongs to all people that works on the faith of earth. And we are doing science in order to improve human life. And I think this collaboration that you are now participate is awfully important.
So, I wish you the best for this meeting, but also, for promoting your collaborative effort all over the world in the future to come.
I’m with you, your friend, Aaron Ciechanover.